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Bliss Home Care | Benefits of indoor plantsThe change in urban environments and our work commitments means that many people now live in smaller spaces and donโ€™t get out in the fresh air as often. So why not bring the benefits of the outdoors into your inner sanctuary by using beautiful, green and lush indoor plants?

While this may seem like a new trend, the benefits of incorporating plants into the indoors have been around for hundreds of years. Not only are indoor plants easy to look after and maintain, they are powerfully packed with lots of health benefits too. Here we explore the benefits of indoor plants for your health and mind, and which plants are best to use.

5 Benefits of Indoor Plants

  1. Breathe Easier

Indoor plants drastically reduce indoor air pollution and purify the air inside your home. Our homes can harbour unhealthy invisible toxins such as benzene formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. These toxins are emitted through furniture, carpets, appliances and household products. Studies have found that incorporating plants into our indoor space can eliminate and neutralise the air within our homes and purify it so we can breathe easier.

  1. Boost Your Happiness & Alleviate Stress

Recent studies have shown that green indoor plants with broad leaves help boost your mood and alleviate stress levels. They stimulate the mind and enhance productivity so are a great addition to a teenagerโ€™s room who is studying for exams, your study nook or your home office. Green luscious leaves and plants also add colour and life into the indoor space you inhabit. Plants are also known to increase positivity and mental well being.

  1. Have a Restful Sleep

With the busy lives we lead these days having a restful and blissful eight hours sleep each night can be challenging. There are some plants whose fragrance can stimulate relaxation and promote a better nightโ€™s sleep, in particular lavender or jasmine. The fragrance from these plants areย beneficial when placed in the bedroom and can help you relax and unwind prior to drifting off to sleep.

  1. Natural Humidifiers

Ten percent of the moisture in the air we breathe is released by plants. This is particularly helpful when the air quality in our homes is rather dry especially when the heating is running during the winter months. So if you have family members who suffer from eczema and asthma they will benefit from the humidifying effects of natural living plants in the home.

  1. Natural Healers

You might already know about the health benefits of the aloe vera plant and its gel for the skin, but the plant itself is also great for purifying air. It has many healing benefits with the gel acting an effective healer for cuts, abrasions, skin conditions and for soothing burns.

Top 5 Indoor Plants

There are numerous indoor plants to choose from which will provide you with the greatest health benefits, but how do you choose one that will look great and will thrive indoors. Here we have compiled our top 5 plants to use indoorsโ€ฆ

  1. Rubber Plant

The rubber plant (Ficus Elastic) is a great ornamental plant with glossy oval shaped leaves.

  1. Areca Palm

Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is also known as golden cane or butterfly palm. It has a beautiful, luscious whisply leaf and is a very popular addition to any indoor space.

  1. Lavender

Lavender (Lavendula) is easy to grow and maintain in pots and ideal particularly for bathrooms or bedrooms for its calming fragrance and affects.

  1. Peace Lily

The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum Sensation) has dark glossy green leaves that presents as lush foliage. A great indoor plant that grows beautiful white flowers.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barberae) is often celebrated for its medicinal, soothing and air cleansing properties.

All of the plants listed above work well to eliminate air pollutants and toxins by taking in the toxins and converting them to oxygen.

Looking after indoor plants is relatively easy and will be enjoyable. Be mindful that plants will grow so ensure you choose a plant and pot that it lives in to suit your space and environment. To get the most from your indoor plants keep them well hydrated with regular watering. Most indoor plants will thrive in medium light so try and avoid dimly lit areas and direct sunlight. If you find leaves are wilting take your plant outside for some fresh air and a good water when the sun is shining.

Have some fun in your home by experimenting with decorative pot plant holders, hanging baskets and filling your rooms with green energy and life. To get the full benefit from indoor plants place them within two square meters of where you normally sit or sleep. Your health will thank you for it!

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