Isn’t it true that when your home is cluttered, messy and grubby you feel the burden of overwhelm? You can’t seem find anything you are looking for, you may feel embarrassed about the state of your home, you don’t want people coming over and you feel helpless and don’t know where to begin. Cleaning your home is good for your mental health because it’s directly linked to your health and well-being.
In this article we’re going to share some cleaning and organising hacks that will promote a bright, clean, organised and happy home environment. A home environment that supports peace, happiness and living life as it should be lived.
When you see a photo or image of an organised home, bookshelf or room do you feel an unexplained sense of satisfaction? Let’s face it we’re all busy so we sometimes overlook the fact that keeping your home clean and tidy is actually good for you. Leading research has correlated clutter with stress and anxiety, so it’s really true, cleaning your home is good for your mental health!
Join us as we take you through each room of your home…
The Living Room
This is one area of the home that you probably invite your guests into so make it as welcoming as possible. You’ll want to hang out there more often too if the space is inviting and uncluttered.
The Kitchen
The kitchen is often the heart of the home and a place where families come together to share a meal and some family time. Make the area as clean and stress free as possible and get everyone, including your kids involved in sharing the joy of cooking (and cleaning up afterwards).
The Bedroom
There’s no better feeling than having a great night’s sleep. Here’s a few things you can do to make your bedroom the blissful and peaceful room it deserves to be:
The Bathroom
There’s no greater satisfaction than a clean bathroom, particularly when it’s sparkling clean. You won’t want to leave!
The Study
When you’re in work or study mode the last thing you want is distractions. If your desk or study area is messy then chances are you will be unable to focus and have the clarity to get through your tasks. Give your study and desk a tidy up and you’ll be more productive!
Getting Started
If it’s overwhelming start with one room and work your way through your home. Once you get started you’ll build momentum and realise the connection between cleaning your home and good mental health. There have been studies which show that decluttering and housekeeping reduces cortisol stress levels and also extend to your physical well-being. If you’re after a more comprehensive guide to decluttering, then be sure to read our article, Tips for Organising Your Home.
At Bliss Home Care we promote cleaning with eco-friendly and natural products so that you, your family, pets and the environment avoid harmful and toxic chemicals in your home. Throughout our article we have referenced natural cleaning solutions so if you want more information take a look at 10 Natural Home Cleaning Hacks.
Once you’re done, put your feet up and enjoy your clean and stress-free home!
Is it really possible to reduce waste at home and save money? Each small step we take, every change we make will create a positive impact on our environment, our lives and the wider world.
One of our favourite quotes by Matt Bevin sums it up… “While it may seem small, the ripple effective of small things is extraordinary.”
Consider what sort of impact would be made if every person in the world did something small every single day. Collectively we’d make a big impact! Reducing waste at home may seem difficult and a big task at first but there are small things we can do around the home that will create less waste and the added benefit is that it can save you money too.
Here are our top five ideas to inspire you to make a change in your daily habits, and to reduce waste at home:
Your home is the best starting point because you can control what comes in and what goes out.
You will lessen your carbon footprint by using reusable items or those that are biodegradable. You will also save money when you are not constantly replacing items after every use.
Compositing may be daunting but it probably not as involved or messy as you may think. It’s an ideal process in particular if you’re keen to grow your own veggies. It builds good soil structure, it allows soil to retain nutrients, water and air and protects plans from garden diseases. All soil types will improve with the addition of compost.
If you’d like to give it a go here are the basic steps…
Once it’s ready add it to you garden and get growing your own veggies. Plant seasonally and you’ll reap the rewards
of delicious, fresh veggies that you’ve grown yourself!
If you’re still not keen you can keep your food scraps in a container in the fridge or freezer and find a community composting location such as a community garden to contribute to.
Before modern conveniences were available there was canning, freezing, pickling and fermenting. These are the methods that have been around for centuries to keep food from spoiling and avoiding it going to waste.
If you’re growing your own veggies or fruit then you may find that you have an abundance of fresh item each season. Next time you have too much of anything consider how you can preserve it and use it at a later date when perhaps it’s not in season. Here are some examples…
You’ll end up saving lots of money by not buying food and produce out of season and it will be just as fresh or tasty as though you’d just picked it. Best of all you will not be contributing to more environmental waste.
This one is one we are incredibly passionate about. It astounds us that supermarkets and retail outlets are still allowed to sell toxic and harmful cleaning products. These toxic products contribute to indoor air pollution and medical conditions and are poisonous, just read the labels on their own packaging!
You can create your own effective home cleaning solutions that will be safe for adults, babies through to teens, your pets and the environment. Best of all you are likely to have most of the key ingredients in your pantry already. These include:
You may also like to read more in our article, 10 Natural Home Cleaning Hacks, which provides great tips on cleaning almost every area of your home without the nasty, toxic chemicals. When you choose to stop buying expensive and toxic solutions you will quickly notice how much money you are saving! Not to mention the health benefits…
Do you really take notice of how much you throw in the bin? Sometimes we think we are recycling, reusing and being responsible but we often don’t realise how much we are actually sending to landfill until we empty the contents of our bins.
Once a week empty the contents of your bin (including recycling bins) and see where you can make small changes to your habits to contribute less to landfill. Here are some ideas for your consideration….
So there are our five tips to help you reduce waste at home and save money along the way. Best of all you can get the whole family involved. Buy less, waste less, save more! Create a ripple effect by starting in your home and community and watch the movement grow around our precious world.