Cleaning for health has never been more important than right now. With the cooler months ahead and viruses on the brink of becoming a world-wide epidemic, taking care of your home and its cleanliness should be a priority. And because the people and pets you share your home with are important to you, we recommend using natural cleaning products which are also environmentally friendly.
So let’s take a closer look at cleaning for health and how you can avoid spreading germs and bacteria throughout your home.
This is a significant issue and germs and bacteria can easily spread from one area of your home to another. One way you can significantly reduce the risk of infection and cross-contamination is to use different cleaning cloths for each area of your home. You can simply colour code cloths or ensure you are particularly careful with the cloths you are using. Always avoid dipping a dirty cloth into a bucket of clean water. Instead place it under running water and give it a wash before putting it back into the bucket of cleaning water.
Tip: Make a natural cleaning solution for surfaces and floors by simply adding 1 part tea tree or eucalyptus oil to four parts of warm water. Once wiped or mopped, allow surfaces to dry naturally so the disinfectant is on the surface long enough to kill and eliminate any germs.
We use natural cleaning products that have bio-bacterial and enzyme technology which keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.
These natural cleaning products are made up of “good” living bacteria to break down and liquefy soils such as fat, proteins, carbohydrates and grease while eliminating odours. These products keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.
When this type of bacteria cleaning product is applied, the microorganisms begin to digest the waste and the “good” bacteria in turn multiply. The soil is broken down and continues to break down the soil into smaller pieces, until there is nothing left.
For more information on safe and natural cleaning products you may like to read our article, An Insight to Natural Cleaning Products which breaks down the facts on these Australian made natural cleaning products. The range has been certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), an independent body who assess the products to ensure they meet environmental, human health, ethical impact criteria.
Tip: Use natural cleaning products that continue to work, long after you have finished cleaning.
That’s right, Mother Earth provides us with the essentials we need when it comes to keeping things clean and making our homes and our environment safe.
Keeping doors and windows closed means that the air quality in our homes becomes compromised with pollutants which can quickly become a breeding ground for more bacteria when someone is unwell. If you’re about to reach for air freshener, think again! The scent and gasses emitted from these products will release more harmful chemicals in your environment, adding to your indoor air pollution.
The solution? Open windows and doors, daily if possible. It’s the cheapest and healthiest thing you can do to improve your air quality. Try to do this for even just 5 minutes a day to create airflow circulation and flush out any of the harmful pollutants and bacteria.
What else can you do to ensure you’re cleaning for health? When the sun’s out take full advantage of it – it’s great at killing bacteria, dust mites and other microscopic critters that we can’t see. These may be thriving in your pillows, cushions, doonas, rugs, and blankets without you even realising.
If possible, remove the covers from items and place them on a clean bed sheet or towel to keep them from getting dirty, and leave them out in the sun for 30 to 60 minutes. Rotate them and turn them over to ensure even coverage. This practice is also great for deodorising any smells from sweat and body odour.
Tip: Open your doors and windows to create airflow throughout your home. Be sure to take advantage of the sunshine to kill bacteria and unwanted critters in pillows, blankets, rugs and doonas.
In our article, 7 Reasons to Choose Green Cleaning, we share healthier ways you can incorporate natural cleaning products in your home.
As you can see from reading this article, cleaning for health is not difficult, however it is something we need to do regularly to keep our home, our family, our pets and our environment safe and free from harmful bacteria, germs and viruses.