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How-to-treat-mould-naturallyHave you noticed mould growing in your bathroom, bedroom or living area? If you have, it’s incredibly important to treat the mould immediately as it can be damaging to your and your family’s health.


If you suspect mould growth in your home, it's crucial to address the issue promptly.

In this article, we look at the signs of mould, the health implications of mould, treating mould naturally and 3 easy steps to prevent mould.


Signs of Mould


Mould can spread quickly and cause damage to your property and potentially impact your health. Here are 3 common signs that suggest you may have mould:


  1. Visible growth
    The most apparent sign of mould is seeing it on walls, ceilings, bathrooms or other surfaces. Mould may appear fuzzy, slimy, or powdery in various colours such as black, green, white, or grey.
  2. Musty odour
    Mould often emits a distinctive musty, earthy smell. If you notice an unusual odour, especially in enclosed spaces like bathrooms and bedrooms, it may be an indication of mould growth.
  3. Water damage
    Areas that have experienced water damage such as leaks, floods, or excessive moisture, are susceptible to mould growth. Check walls and surrounding areas for hidden mould behind surfaces, in particular, look for:


Health Implications from Mould


Mould produces allergens, irritants and potentially toxic substances called mycotoxins. When mould spores are present in the air and when inhaled they can trigger various health problems, especially for individuals with existing respiratory conditions. Additionally, mould can trigger:



The severity of health effects is dependent on the type of mould, individual sensitivity and extent of exposure. To protect yourself and your family from any potential health implications, eliminate the mould and prevent it from reoccurring.


Treating Mould Naturally


Most of the mould cleaners you buy from supermarkets and cleaning supply stores are laden with toxic chemicals. Essentially, you are treating toxicity while exposing yourself to more toxicity from chemicals. We highly recommend taking a natural approach, which is just as effective.


All cleaning products used by Bliss Home Care have bio-bacterial and enzyme technology which keeps on working even after you have finished cleaning. These natural cleaning products are made up of “good” living bacteria to break down and liquefy soils such as fat, proteins, carbohydrates and grease while eliminating odours. These products keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.


In particular, for bathrooms, we use Shower BlitzTM. This product can be used all over your walls, shower, tiles, sink and toilet. It contains cultured bacteria that eat away and decompose hard to remove soap scum and prevent the growth of mould. The bacteria bio-degrades matter rather than mask or bleach the problem.


For more information on safe and natural cleaning products you may like to read our article, An Insight to Natural Cleaning Products which breaks down the facts on these Australian made natural cleaning products. The range has been certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), an independent body that assesses the products to ensure they meet environmental, human health, and ethical impact criteria.


3 Steps to Prevent Mould

Preventing mould growth in your home involves keeping moisture levels under control and creating an environment where mould cannot grow and thrive. Here are the 3 most important steps to prevent mould growth in your home:


  1. Open doors and windows regularly
    This helps you control humidity levels in your home, especially in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry and bedroom. By simply opening doors and windows on a daily basis and using exhaust fans will enable moisture to escape.
  2. Address leaks immediately
    Inspect your home regularly for leaks in the roof, plumbing or walls. If you identify any leaks have them addressed immediately to prevent water build up and mould growth.
  3. Regularly clean your home
    This helps eliminate the build up of mould spores from settling on surfaces. Use natural cleaning products and focus on wet areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry. We recommend drying these areas on a regular basis for best results.


By taking these preventive measures you can significantly reduce the likelihood of mould growth in your home. This will result in a healthier living environment for you and your family. Our approach is all about being eco-friendly, local, and thoroughly professional. For you, that means house cleaning that is better value, more reliable and healthier for your family and your community. Click here to enquire about regular house cleaning, vacate cleaning or one-off/spring cleaning.

Cleaning for health has never been more important than right now. With the cooler months ahead and viruses on tBliss Home Care | Cleaning for healthhe brink of becoming a world-wide epidemic, taking care of your home and its cleanliness should be a priority. And because the people and pets you share your home with are important to you, we recommend using natural cleaning products which are also environmentally friendly.

So let’s take a closer look at cleaning for health and how you can avoid spreading germs and bacteria throughout your home.

  1. Avoid Cross-Contamination

This is a significant issue and germs and bacteria can easily spread from one area of your home to another. One way you can significantly reduce the risk of infection and cross-contamination is to use different cleaning cloths for each area of your home. You can simply colour code cloths or ensure you are particularly careful with the cloths you are using. Always avoid dipping a dirty cloth into a bucket of clean water. Instead place it under running water and give it a wash before putting it back into the bucket of cleaning water.

Tip: Make a natural cleaning solution for surfaces and floors by simply adding 1 part tea tree or eucalyptus oil to four parts of warm water. Once wiped or mopped, allow surfaces to dry naturally so the disinfectant is on the surface long enough to kill and eliminate any germs.

  1. Green Products That Continue To Work

We use natural cleaning products that have bio-bacterial and enzyme technology which keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.

These natural cleaning products are made up of “good” living bacteria to break down and liquefy soils such as fat, proteins, carbohydrates and grease while eliminating odours. These products keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.

When this type of bacteria cleaning product is applied, the microorganisms begin to digest the waste and the “good” bacteria in turn multiply. The soil is broken down and continues to break down the soil into smaller pieces, until there is nothing left.

For more information on safe and natural cleaning products you may like to read our article, An Insight to Natural Cleaning Products which breaks down the facts on these Australian made natural cleaning products. The range has been certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), an independent body who assess the products to ensure they meet environmental, human health, ethical impact criteria.

Tip: Use natural cleaning products that continue to work, long after you have finished cleaning.

  1. Air & Sunshine, Natural Born Killers!

That’s right, Mother Earth provides us with the essentials we need when it comes to keeping things clean and making our homes and our environment safe.

Keeping doors and windows closed means that the air quality in our homes becomes compromised with pollutants which can quickly become a breeding ground for more bacteria when someone is unwell. If you’re about to reach for air freshener, think again! The scent and gasses emitted from these products will release more harmful chemicals in your environment, adding to your indoor air pollution.

The solution? Open windows and doors, daily if possible. It’s the cheapest and healthiest thing you can do to improve your air quality. Try to do this for even just 5 minutes a day to create airflow circulation and flush out any of the harmful pollutants and bacteria.

What else can you do to ensure you’re cleaning for health? When the sun’s out take full advantage of it – it’s great at killing bacteria, dust mites and other microscopic critters that we can’t see. These may be thriving in your pillows, cushions, doonas, rugs, and blankets without you even realising.

If possible, remove the covers from items and place them on a clean bed sheet or towel to keep them from getting dirty, and leave them out in the sun for 30 to 60 minutes. Rotate them and turn them over to ensure even coverage. This practice is also great for deodorising any smells from sweat and body odour.

Tip: Open your doors and windows to create airflow throughout your home. Be sure to take advantage of the sunshine to kill bacteria and unwanted critters in pillows, blankets, rugs and doonas.

In our article, 7 Reasons to Choose Green Cleaning, we share healthier ways you can incorporate natural cleaning products in your home.

As you can see from reading this article, cleaning for health is not difficult, however it is something we need to do regularly to keep our home, our family, our pets and our environment safe and free from harmful bacteria, germs and viruses.

With so many choices for vacuum cleaners on the market the choice can be difficult, particularly if you are seeking an environmentally friendly vacuum cleaner. Here we have prepared a list of things to help you pinpoint what you need to look out for when making your next vacuum cleaner purchase.

The purpose of a high performance vacuum cleaner is to get as much dirt and soil out of carpets to ensure your home is clean and fresh. During this process we should take note of the toll this may be having on the wider environment, our home environment and our lives, particularly if you are an allergy or asthma suffer or have family members who are.

Environmental Rating

These sucking machines consume energy in the form of electricity to operate efficiently. It’s important to note that corded vacuum cleaners are deemed more energy efficient than cordless/battery powered vacuum cleaners. This is due to batteries that require recharging which in the long run, increases your energy consumption. The batteries also increase the presence of toxic particles in the environment. So opt for a corded vacuum cleaner.

Check Dust Containment

Let’s face it vacuum cleaners are dirt and dust collectors. Essentially that’s their purpose, however there are many vacuum cleaners that leak dust because they don’t have strong quality seals. If you suffer from allergies or asthma or someone in your home does, it can also increase the likelihood of health concerns if dirt and dust are being moved around in your home, rather than being eliminated. It’s also important to choose a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter which will be the most effective at reducing particulate matter in the air.

Bag or No Bag?

Bagless vacuum cleaners create less waste and are most cost effective because you don’t have to replace the bags. They are also easier to clean however, it’s important to consider how and where you dispose of the waste that collects in the canister. We recommend you wear a mask when emptying the canister because of the dust that is released, particularly if you are an allergy or asthma sufferer. However there are pros and cons for both bag and bagless cleaners. You can read more about these at:

How to Keep the Odours Out of Your Vacuum Cleaner?

If you are using vacuum cleaners that have cloth bags, you may have noticed odours coming from the vacuum.  This is due to improper maintenance or not servicing the vacuum cleaners.  The odours are caused by bacteria or mould that grow inside the bag.  It is important to empty the bags to keep the vacuum running efficiently, it is also important to keep it emptied to prevent bacteria and mould from growing and causing foul odour.  It is also equally important to clean or replace the filters regularly.  If you vacuum any food items, strongly recommended to empty or change the bag daily.  You may also consider investing in vacuum cleaners that have sealed HEPA filtration system.  This will keep odour-causing bacteria from escaping the bag.

We hope this guide helps you when it’s time to make your next vacuum cleaner purchase. Look for environmentally friendly factors that give the best results whilst also caring form our future and our health.

Bio Bacterial Cleaning Explained

When we established Bliss Home Care Services we decided we wanted to be an innovative cleaning company that uses only earth friendly cleaning products. The products, together with our proven earth friendly cleaning practices ensure the highest grade of cleaning for homes and offices which is not only safe for our environment but for families, pets and children.Bliss Home Care - Biological Cleaner

One of our favourite cleaning products is Biological Cleaner. This product is a general purpose cleaner that contains active “good” bacterial ingredients and is the perfect alternative to harsh chemical solutions. The active bacterial ingredients means that it is able to effectively remove grease, grime, dirt and soap scum that is commonly found throughout all homes. The most important thing about this product, apart from the fact that it’s a highly effective cleaning product, is that it’s 100% chemical free, is biodegradable and non-hazardous.

Let’s take a closer look at how this earth friendly cleaning product works…

This natural, earth friendly cleaning product is even effective enough to be used to keep bathrooms and restrooms free of germs and build up of unhealthy bacteria, mould and soap scum. It is often used to clean busy washrooms, urinals and toilets and is much safer for the environment and human health in comparison to chemical cleaning products.

When considering purchasing cleaning products please ensure you choose wisely and carefully to maintain and protect this beautiful planet we live on, now and into the future.

Biological Cleaning

The revolutionary environmentally friendly cleaning product is based on Bio-bacterial technology.  It consists of billions of friendly bacteria that target and digest organic matter eliminating the source of cleaning problems rather than masking them.

Enzyme and bacteria cleaning products or in are composed of living bacteria and or enzymes that break down and softens organic soils like fat, proteins, carbohydrates and grease, while simultaneously eliminating bad odours.

Enzyme and bacteria cleaning products present an alternative to harsher chemical solutions, like solvents and strong acids or alkalis.  They are more user-friendly than products with extreme pH.

The process by which enzyme and bacteria cleaners work is important to understand. When a bacteria product is applied, the microorganisms, which have been dormant, begin to grow and digest the waste that is present and is used as their food source; and the bacteria in turn multiply.

Since bacteria does not have a mouth, they breakdown and metabolize waste by producing enzymes. The waste that has been broken down is now small enough to be absorbed through the bacteria cell wall. Once the waste particles are inside the cell they can be broken down and used as a fuel and energy source, allowing the cell to reproduce again and again, thus repeating the process. As long as organic soils are available as a food source the process will continue.

Straight enzyme cleaners are products that contain only the enzymes, which have been separated from the bacteria that produce them. These products also breakdown soils like grease, starches, and proteins. Once the enzymes have done their job, they are used up and cannot reproduce themselves; in turn they will not be able to degrade any more waste.

This process guaranties natural way to treat common cleaning problems with no need for harsh chemical cleaners, making cleaning process simpler, healthier and environmentally friendly cleaning.

Bliss Home Care Services | Environmentally Friendly Cleaning

Eco friendly product rubber stamp.

Simple Facts About Bacteria

In the world of cleaning, it is our responsibility as business owners to educate our employees on how to clean and sanitize the surfaces we care for. Bacteria growth is a big concern for our clients because they want to protect their families from unhealthy environments.

Understanding bacteria and how it grows and moves is one of the starting points in learning how to keep the environments we care for, clean.

Bacteria Reproduction Facts:

How Bacteria Spread:

Bliss Home Care Services, Bacteria, Cleaning

Hand germs disease spread and the dangers of spreading illness in public as a health care risk concept to not wash your hands as dirty infected fingers and palm with microscopic viruses and bacteria.

Bacteria don't spread on their own. Here are some ways bacteria find their way to other surfaces.

Methods of Killing Bacteria:

By having an understanding of bacteria and how it spreads, you can make more informed choices on the products you choose to use and what areas may be at higher risk of bacteria growth.

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