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Bliss Home Care | Understanding Cleaning Chemicals for a Healthier Home






In this blog, we explore the most common harmful chemicals found in cleaning products and provide tips for safer cleaning practices. The best way to keep yourself and your home and family safe is to learn and educate yourself on the toxicity of chemicals. Avoid using these cleaning chemicals and replace them with safer solutions and practices to safeguard your home and family.



The Most Harmful Toxic Cleaning Chemicals

Here are ten of the most common harmful chemicals found in household cleaners that are often found on supermarket shelves and their potential health impacts.



Found in: Glass cleaners, bathroom cleaners and polishing agents.

Health Risks: Can irritate the skin, eyes, throat, and lungs. Prolonged exposure can lead to chronic respiratory issues and is particularly dangerous for individuals with asthma.

  1. BLEACH (Sodium Hypochlorite)

Found in: Disinfectants, toilet bowl cleaners and mould removers.

Health Risks: Can cause skin burns, eye damage and respiratory irritation. Mixing bleach with ammonia or acidic cleaners can produce toxic chloramine or chlorine gas, which can be fatal.


Found in: Scented products like air fresheners, dish soaps, and even toilet paper.

Health Risks: Linked to hormone disruption, reproductive issues, and developmental problems in children. Exposure is often through inhalation or skin contact.


Found in: Antibacterial soaps, detergents and hand sanitizers.

Health Risks: Can contribute to antibiotic resistance and is a suspected endocrine disruptor. It may also affect thyroid function and contribute to liver toxicity.


Found in: Disinfectant sprays, wipes and fabric softeners.

Health Risks: It can cause skin irritation, respiratory issues, and has been linked to asthma development. Overuse can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


Found in: Window cleaners, kitchen cleaners and multipurpose cleaners.

Health Risks: Can cause sore throat, narcosis, pulmonary oedema and severe liver and kidney damage with prolonged exposure.


Found in: Some air fresheners, disinfectants and furniture polishes.

Health Risks: This is a known carcinogen that can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and has been linked to cancer with long-term exposure.


Found in: Bleach, mildew removers and toilet bowl cleaners.

Health Risks: It can cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory issues, and when mixed with other chemicals like ammonia, it releases toxic gases that can cause severe respiratory damage or death.


Found in: Oven cleaners, drain openers and industrial cleaners.

Health Risks: Highly corrosive and can cause severe burns to skin and eyes, respiratory issues if inhaled, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract if ingested.


Found in: Dry-cleaning solutions, spot removers and carpet cleaners.

Health Risks: Classified as a probable human carcinogen. Long-term exposure can affect the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.


5 Tips for Safer Cleaning

Cleaning your home is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. By making informed choices and adopting healthier cleaning habits, you can protect yourself and your loved ones while keeping your home spotless.

  1. Read Labels

Always read product labels and be aware of the ingredients, especially if you are purchasing cleaning chemicals from supermarket shelves. The manufacturer won’t always have your best interest at heart.

  1. Use Natural Alternatives

Consider using natural cleaning products like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice and essential oils in your home. Bliss Home Care Services only uses GECA certified and approved green cleaning products. These products are also available for purchase, click here for more information.

  1. Ventilate Your Home

Ensure good ventilation when using cleaning products to minimise inhalation of fumes. Opening windows and doors for 10 minutes each day also keeps your home fresh, eliminates bacteria and improves indoor air quality.

  1. Protect Yourself

Always wear gloves when cleaning, and if necessary wear a mask to protect your skin and respiratory tract and glasses to protect your eyes. Prevention is always better than dealing with the after-effects of chemical burns or skin irritation. Ensure any cleaning products and chemicals are stored in a safe place, away from young children and pets.

  1. Never Mix Chemicals

Avoid mixing cleaning chemicals at all times, especially bleach and ammonia, to prevent the release of toxic gases. Seek medical attention if you feel unwell or dizzy if you have been around chemical cleaning products.


You may also like to read our article, Benefits of Green Cleaning for Your Health and Home and why it’s an essential practice for today's conscientious individual.


The Bliss Home Care Story

The origins of Bliss Home Care go back well before we moved into the house cleaning industry. It was during our careers in community service and health services that we understood the pleasure we get from nurturing and the importance of the ‘small stuff’ to improving people’s lives.

A clean house nurtures the soul. It creates an air of freedom. And of course it provides free time to spend with family and friends or doing activities we love. We have always chosen green cleaning products that are locally made and independently approved and certified by GECA (Good Environmental Choice Australia). Read more about our brand story here.


In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of environmentally friendly practices in all aspects of our lives and home environment, including cleaning. Green cleaning, also known as eco-friendly or sustainable cleaning, involves using products and methods that minimise environmental impact and promote health and well-being.

In this blog, we explore the benefits of green cleaning for both your health and your home, and why it's an essential practice for today's conscientious individuals.

Benefits for Your Health

Bliss Home Care | Green Cleaning Benefits

  1. Reduced Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals and toxins that can be harmful to both humans and the environment. You only need to read the warning labels on the products to be alarmed at how toxic they can be. By switching to green cleaning products made from natural ingredients you can reduce your exposure to these harmful substances and protect your health, the health of your family, pets and the environment.

  1. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Many commercial cleaning products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can pollute indoor air and contribute to respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies. Green cleaning products are free from these harmful chemicals, helping to improve indoor air quality and create a healthier living environment for you and your family. To further promote indoor air quality open doors and windows daily to circulate fresh air. You may also like to read our article, Benefits of Indoor Plants which outlines the benefits of indoor plants and which plants are best.

  1. Safer for Children and Pets

Children and pets are particularly vulnerable to the effects of toxic chemicals found in traditional cleaning products. Green cleaning products are safer and gentler, making them a better choice for households with young children and furry friends who may come into contact with cleaned surfaces.

Benefits for Your Home

Bliss Home Care | Green Cleaning

  1. Environmental Sustainability

Green cleaning products are made from renewable, biodegradable ingredients that have minimal impact on the environment. By choosing eco-friendly products and methods, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

  1. Gentle on Surfaces

Harsh chemicals in traditional cleaning products can also damage surfaces over time, leading to wear and tear that requires costly repairs or replacements. Green cleaning products are gentler and less abrasive, helping to preserve the integrity of surfaces such as countertops, floors and appliances.

  1. Cost-Effective

Contrary to popular belief, green cleaning doesn't have to break the bank. Many eco-friendly cleaning products are affordable and can be made at home using simple ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, and olive oil. Additionally, the long-term benefits of green cleaning, such as improved indoor air quality and reduced maintenance costs, can result in savings over time.

Make the Switch to Green Cleaning

Bliss Home Care | Green Cleaning

Green cleaning is more than just a trend. It’s a responsible choice that benefits both your health and the environment. Making the switch to green cleaning is easier than you may think. Many of us choose to buy chemical cleaners without giving them a lot of thought.

However, you may be surprised how readily available natural and eco-friendly products are. They can easily be incorporated into your regular routine. Natural products are often more cost-effective and do a better job than chemical alternatives. Make the switch to green cleaning and reap the rewards of a healthier and happier home. In our article, 10 Natural Home Cleaning Hacks, you’ll find some great tips on how to incorporate some simple ideas and household products into your regular cleaning routine.

If you are looking to hire a cleaning company, ensure the products they use are ethically sourced and eco-friendly. The cleaning products used by Bliss Home Care Services are certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA). GECA’s ecolabel on products provides an independent assessment and approval that products are better for the environment and reduce their impact on human health. GECA’s standards are rigorous, scientific and relevant to key Australian industries. To learn more about the green cleaning services we offer click here.

Bliss Home Care | Aged Care Cleaning ServicesBliss Home Care Services works closely with individuals or service providers to offer aged care cleaning services to elderly clients. Our expertly trained and dedicated team will ensure your home is diligently cleaned with our eco-friendly cleaning products. This ensures there are no harmful or toxic chemicals used when cleaning your home - keeping you, your family, pets, and the environment safe and protected.

Our reliable and dedicated teams are fully trained by us, to ensure our aged care clients are in the best hands. While we pride ourselves on our service excellence, there are many other factors that set us apart from regular cleaning companies. Here we provide an outline on what you should be mindful of when searching for a cleaning company to support an aged care client or family member.

A Guide to Aged Care Cleaning Services

Exceptional Client Care

Bliss Home Care Services places an emphasis on client care – it’s at the heart of our service offering. We aim to provide an exceptional service leaving the client feeling valued and respected. Our team members provide cleaning services to support clients in their home in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill. Our team members always provide a service with integrity, honesty and transparency.

Developing and nurturing professional relationships is part of our company culture. Some of the strategies we use to ensure we provide superior service include:

Types of Cleaning

Our aged care regular cleaning services incorporate cleaning of:

In addition, our dedicated team members can also:

Green Cleaning Products

Bliss Home Care Services only uses natural, locally sourced, and environmentally friendly cleaning products. These products are GECA certified ensuring they are safe and natural to achieve sparkling results for our clients. This means there are no toxins or harmful chemicals used in our client’s homes – keeping our clients, their families, pets, and the environment safe. Learn more about Why Using Natural Cleaning Products is Better.

Fully Trained & Local

Our dedicated team is fully trained to provide a friendly service while being sensitive to the needs of aged care clients needs. We ensure first-class quality and care while providing pristine results every time. We aim to match all our clients to their closest, local cleaning team member so there is less likelihood of being late or getting lost.

Home Assessment

Bliss Home Care Services works closely with aged care providers to determine a client’s needs. Where required a home assessment can be conducted by one of our experienced team members. This process helps us understand the needs of the client and factor in any specific requirements. The process helps us determine the aged care client’s priorities, and review what needs to be cleaned, the length of time required, and the frequency of cleaning service required.

We also understand that some aged care clients are hesitant to allow unknown people into their homes. All our team members are trained to be sensitive to the needs of our clients and their specific requirements. Our clients can rest assured that Bliss Home Care Services team members are employed by us, and have undergone a thorough screening process including being police-checked.

Reliable Cleaning Team

All our team members are employed by Bliss Home Care Services, which means you can rest assured that you will not have a contractor coming into your home. You will have the same reliable cleaner each week or fortnight rather than a different contractor for each service. In the event, that your cleaner is away due to illness or leave, Bliss Home Care Services will provide an equally reliable and professional cleaner to fill in while your regular cleaner is away.

COVID & Health

Our team members are vaccinated against COVID-19, as per current Government guidelines and every attempt is made to keep our clients, our team and the community safe.

Security Checked & Insured

Bliss Home Care Services employees undergo thorough screening and are security checked to protect you and your home. We employ team members who have been police-checked and all our team members are fully insured, in the event of any mishaps or workplace accidents.

Code of Conduct for Aged Care

Our dedicated team members are diligent when it comes to working with aged care clients. Bliss Home Care Services has systems in place to ensure our team is adequately trained and supported to comply with the Code of Conduct for Aged Care clients.

The Code of Conduct for Aged Care:

When providing care, support, and services to people, I must:

  1.  act with respect for people’s rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making in accordance with applicable laws and conventions
  2. act in a way that treats people with dignity and respect, and values their diversity
  3. act with respect for the privacy of people
  4. provide care, support, and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill
  5. act with integrity, honesty and transparency
  6. promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of care, support and services
  7. provide care, support, and services free from all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and abuse and sexual misconduct
  8. take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to: all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and abuse; sexual misconduct

Approved Service Provider

Bliss Home Care Services is a preferred service provider for aged care cleaning services. We work with a number of aged care providers and have service agreements in place. The service agreements are prepared by the service provider to ensure compliance with industry standards.

If you are seeking cleaning services for yourself or sourcing a cleaning service for a family member or someone you care for, we hope you found this guide helpful. For any aged care cleaning enquiries or to request a quote please complete our online booking form or learn more about our cleaning services here.

Bliss Home Care | Non-toxic Cleaning House

When it comes to house cleaning there are many factors homeowners should consider when engaging a cleaning service and having service providers come into their home environment.

Bliss Home Care has been providing quality house cleaning services for over 20 years. We are an established and reputable family-owned business. The Bliss Home Care Services team and our clients become part of our extended family. Our primary points of difference include:





  1. We only use eco-friendly cleaning products which ensure the safety and health of our clients, our staff, and our environment.
  2. We have a dedicated team of cleaning professionals employed with us and do not use any independent operators or subcontractors.
  3. We have robust systems, procedures, and processes in place to ensure our clients receive exceptional residential cleaning services.

Bliss Home Care Services is incredibly proud to have survived the recent pandemic, which of course was not without its challenges. We remain committed to servicing our clients and community with exceptional residential cleaning services. Here we proudly explain our processes, our people, and our difference….

Our Process

Bliss Home Care Services has built a solid reputation over the years for professional and reliable eco-friendly cleaning services. Our clients and our team members are valued as the most important part of our business.

Bliss Home Care Services has robust systems and processes in place to ensure the efficient delivery of residential cleaning services. Our teams are thoroughly inducted and trained with our specific systems and eco-friendly cleaning products. This process includes the workplace, roles and responsibilities, the importance of health and safety, and our policies and procedures.

We are committed to providing customer excellence and place a huge emphasis on client care. Regular communication is key for us, and we maintain contact with all our clients to ensure our Quality Assurance Program is maintained at the highest possible level. Our robust systems and processes are in place to ensure the efficient delivery of residential cleaning services.

The essential values Bliss Home Care Services conveys to clients include:

In addition to residential cleaning, we offer our services to the following sectors:

When you engage with Bliss Home Care Services, you can expect to receive an exceptional level of customer service. The client experience is important to us – from your first inquiry right through to your cleaning service and beyond. Click here to read our Client Testimonials.

If you are considering hiring a cleaning company, we recommend reading 5 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Cleaning Company. This guide will help you prepare some important questions for anyone you are looking to work with.

Our People

We are committed to employing reliable staff who are dedicated to providing an exceptional level of service to our clients. The team is carefully selected and each member undergoes extensive training to ensure the best outcomes for our clients. We aim to have the same cleaner servicing clients each time and avoid using short-term contractors such as students and backpackers.

In recent years, our industry has been affected by employment challenges due to the pandemic. During lockdowns, we were unable to provide services due to legislative requirements. Now we are back to servicing our clients and starting to also take on new clients. We offer further development and training opportunities, and also above award wages to ensure we attract and maintain a dedicated.

You can rest assured our team members are responsible, thoroughly screened and police-checked. This helps to ensure the safety and integrity of your home while we maintain a stable team. Bliss Home Care Services does not use contractors for cleaning, instead we employ our cleaners. This means that you will have a dedicated cleaner, rather than a different contractor for each service. It also ensures your cleaner is covered by insurance, WorkCover, workplace safety, and all legislative requirements.

Our supportive team environment enables our people to work under great conditions, with a high level of flexibility to support work-life balance and be employed in their local area. You may also like to read our article, A Guide to Hiring a House Cleaner for more information.

Many people don’t realise the detrimental impact on health and the environment when using chemical-based cleaning products. Some chemicals can cause acute, short term and also chronic, long-term diseases and illnesses.

When we established our business it was important to us that we only use eco-friendly cleaning products. We can guarantee that our products are locally produced and certified eco-friendly. We have sourced a range of Australian-made high quality and certified eco-friendly cleaning products. These products are free of chemicals that can be harmful to your family, to our cleaners, or to the wider environment. What’s more, we’ve selected these products because they really work.

Our residential cleaning services include:

Our frequency of service is determined by our clients and can include:

Bliss Home Care Services backs all the services offered with a 100% guarantee. If you are not happy, we’ll return and do the job again until you are. Our priority is that our clients are completely satisfied.

If you are interested in working with a cleaning company that values its employees, email us at We hope you have found this article informative and helpful.




The benefits of using natural cleaning products essentially come down to health. The health of our own human health, our pets and our precious earth. In this article we shed some light on the common household cleaners which are harmful, their side effects and why you should choose natural cleaning products.  

What many people don’t realise is the detrimental impact of choosing chemical based products over natural cleaning products. The hidden dangers are normally masked with fragrances and promises of clean sparkly homes.   

The use of these chemicals in your home contributes to indoor air pollution. These chemicals are often poisonous and can cause harm through ingestion, inhalation and absorption through skin. In fact, according to an international report, cleaning products are the most toxic products found in homes.  

Some chemicals can cause acute and immediate hazards such as sneezing, skin or respiratory irritation, chemical burns, watery eyes. Other chemicals can be associated with chronic and long-term effects such as diseases and illnesses.  

Some of the common items in your home which have harmful chemicals include: 

Some of the side effects of using chemical products include: 

When there is prolonged use of chemical based products, it can also contribute to several types of cancers, as well as lung and heart damage.   

The next time you’re out buying your cleaning products, be sure to read the fine print. You may be surprised by what’s in the ingredient list and the warnings issued on the labels.   

So what can you do to protect your home, your family, pets and our environment?   

Choose Natural Cleaning Products  

Natural cleaning products are derived from natural sources. These products are non-toxic to human health, pet health and our environment. They are normally more cost effective and do the job as well as chemical alternatives.   

You can choose to make your own natural cleaning products from items you may already have in your pantry or cupboards. These common items include: 

The ingredients listed above have a number of uses and benefits. As you can see there are no chemicals and they are all completely natural. To access natural cleaning tips for your home using the list of ingredients above, visit our Instagram page where we share a variety of tips for all areas of your home.  

Ultimately natural cleaning products are extremely safe to use in your home, around your family and pets, and do not negatively impact our environment.   

Bliss Home Care Services Green Cleaning Products  

The cleaning products used by Bliss Home Care Services are certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA). GECA’s ecolabel on products provides an independent assessment and approval that products are better for the environment and reduce their impact on human health. GECA’s standards are rigorous, scientific and relevant to key Australian industries.  

You can rest assured when Bliss Home Care Services cleans your home, the products used are GECA certified. They also: 

Alternatively, you can purchase eco-friendly green cleaning products that incorporate innovative technology and are safe for health and environment. These are referred to as Bio Bacterial Technology solutions. To read more about these safe and natural solutions, click here.   

Cleaning for health has never been more important than right now. With the cooler months ahead and viruses on tBliss Home Care | Cleaning for healthhe brink of becoming a world-wide epidemic, taking care of your home and its cleanliness should be a priority. And because the people and pets you share your home with are important to you, we recommend using natural cleaning products which are also environmentally friendly.

So let’s take a closer look at cleaning for health and how you can avoid spreading germs and bacteria throughout your home.

  1. Avoid Cross-Contamination

This is a significant issue and germs and bacteria can easily spread from one area of your home to another. One way you can significantly reduce the risk of infection and cross-contamination is to use different cleaning cloths for each area of your home. You can simply colour code cloths or ensure you are particularly careful with the cloths you are using. Always avoid dipping a dirty cloth into a bucket of clean water. Instead place it under running water and give it a wash before putting it back into the bucket of cleaning water.

Tip: Make a natural cleaning solution for surfaces and floors by simply adding 1 part tea tree or eucalyptus oil to four parts of warm water. Once wiped or mopped, allow surfaces to dry naturally so the disinfectant is on the surface long enough to kill and eliminate any germs.

  1. Green Products That Continue To Work

We use natural cleaning products that have bio-bacterial and enzyme technology which keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.

These natural cleaning products are made up of “good” living bacteria to break down and liquefy soils such as fat, proteins, carbohydrates and grease while eliminating odours. These products keep on working even after you have finished cleaning.

When this type of bacteria cleaning product is applied, the microorganisms begin to digest the waste and the “good” bacteria in turn multiply. The soil is broken down and continues to break down the soil into smaller pieces, until there is nothing left.

For more information on safe and natural cleaning products you may like to read our article, An Insight to Natural Cleaning Products which breaks down the facts on these Australian made natural cleaning products. The range has been certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), an independent body who assess the products to ensure they meet environmental, human health, ethical impact criteria.

Tip: Use natural cleaning products that continue to work, long after you have finished cleaning.

  1. Air & Sunshine, Natural Born Killers!

That’s right, Mother Earth provides us with the essentials we need when it comes to keeping things clean and making our homes and our environment safe.

Keeping doors and windows closed means that the air quality in our homes becomes compromised with pollutants which can quickly become a breeding ground for more bacteria when someone is unwell. If you’re about to reach for air freshener, think again! The scent and gasses emitted from these products will release more harmful chemicals in your environment, adding to your indoor air pollution.

The solution? Open windows and doors, daily if possible. It’s the cheapest and healthiest thing you can do to improve your air quality. Try to do this for even just 5 minutes a day to create airflow circulation and flush out any of the harmful pollutants and bacteria.

What else can you do to ensure you’re cleaning for health? When the sun’s out take full advantage of it – it’s great at killing bacteria, dust mites and other microscopic critters that we can’t see. These may be thriving in your pillows, cushions, doonas, rugs, and blankets without you even realising.

If possible, remove the covers from items and place them on a clean bed sheet or towel to keep them from getting dirty, and leave them out in the sun for 30 to 60 minutes. Rotate them and turn them over to ensure even coverage. This practice is also great for deodorising any smells from sweat and body odour.

Tip: Open your doors and windows to create airflow throughout your home. Be sure to take advantage of the sunshine to kill bacteria and unwanted critters in pillows, blankets, rugs and doonas.

In our article, 7 Reasons to Choose Green Cleaning, we share healthier ways you can incorporate natural cleaning products in your home.

As you can see from reading this article, cleaning for health is not difficult, however it is something we need to do regularly to keep our home, our family, our pets and our environment safe and free from harmful bacteria, germs and viruses.

Isn’t it true that when your home is cluttered, messy and grubby you feel the burden of overwhelm? You can’t seem find anything you are looking for, you may feel embarrassed about the state of your home, you don’t want people coming over and you feel helpless and don’t know where to begin. Cleaning your home is good for your mental health because it’s directly linked to your health and well-being.

In this article we’re going to share some cleaning and organising hacks that will promote a bright, clean, organised and happy home environment. A home environment that supports peace, happiness and living life as it should be lived.

Bliss Home Care | Why Cleaning Your Home is Good for Mental Health

Why a Messy Room Is Bad For Your Mental Health

When you see a photo or image of an organised home, bookshelf or room do you feel an unexplained sense of satisfaction? Let’s face it we’re all busy so we sometimes overlook the fact that keeping your home clean and tidy is actually good for you. Leading research has correlated clutter with stress and anxiety, so it’s really true, cleaning your home is good for your mental health!

Join us as we take you through each room of your home…

The Living Room

This is one area of the home that you probably invite your guests into so make it as welcoming as possible. You’ll want to hang out there more often too if the space is inviting and uncluttered.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is often the heart of the home and a place where families come together to share a meal and some family time. Make the area as clean and stress free as possible and get everyone, including your kids involved in sharing the joy of cooking (and cleaning up afterwards).

The Bedroom

There’s no better feeling than having a great night’s sleep. Here’s a few things you can do to make your bedroom the blissful and peaceful room it deserves to be:

The Bathroom

There’s no greater satisfaction than a clean bathroom, particularly when it’s sparkling clean. You won’t want to leave!

The Study

When you’re in work or study mode the last thing you want is distractions. If your desk or study area is messy then chances are you will be unable to focus and have the clarity to get through your tasks. Give your study and desk a tidy up and you’ll be more productive!

Getting Started

If it’s overwhelming start with one room and work your way through your home. Once you get started you’ll build momentum and realise the connection between cleaning your home and good mental health. There have been studies which show that decluttering and housekeeping reduces cortisol stress levels and also extend to your physical well-being. If you’re after a more comprehensive guide to decluttering, then be sure to read our article, Tips for Organising Your Home.

At Bliss Home Care we promote cleaning with eco-friendly and natural products so that you, your family, pets and the environment avoid harmful and toxic chemicals in your home. Throughout our article we have referenced natural cleaning solutions so if you want more information take a look at 10 Natural Home Cleaning Hacks.

Once you’re done, put your feet up and enjoy your clean and stress-free home!

Bliss Home Care | Natural Floor CleaningLet’s face it, our floors are one area of the home where dust, dirt, crumbs and bacteria constantly collect and live. This may be particularly concerning if you have young children who spend lots of time playing, rolling, crawling and even licking the floors! So let’s take a look at how natural floor cleaning solutions can keep your family home clean and safe.

If you’ve ever read the labels on commercial cleaning products you will be horrified by the chemicals and toxins that are included in these products. Not only are they harmful to the environment, but there has been much research to suggest they are harmful to our health and can cause serious health concerns over time.

Natural floor cleaning solutions are incredibly easy to create and use in your home. Most of the ingredients you most likely already have in your cupboards, so why not create a solution that is natural and safe?

Here we share our top tips for all kinds of floors in your home. These natural floor cleaning solutions are cost effective, easy to make and so much safer for your and your family’s health.

Timber Floors

Timber floors are known for being low maintenance and a great flooring choice for those who suffer from allergies. There are many different finishes on timber floors from high gloss to matt and laminate. Firstly vacuum or sweep your floors. Never saturate timber floors with water or leave water sitting on the timber as this will cause damage when it is absorbed by the timber. Instead use a light damp mop as part of your regular clean to get the best results and maintain your beautiful timber floors.


Mix one part white vinegar to four parts warm water (250ml vinegar to 1 litre warm water) and lightly spray on a microfiber mop for the best finish. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to the mixture if you’d like to have a nice fragrance throughout your home. Open doors and windows to ventilate the air and ensure the timber floor dries well.

Tiled Floors

Tiled floors are very durable and give a very sleek, modern look to any home. When maintained regularly your tiles and grout will keep looking new over time. Most tiles are made from ceramic or porcelain and are very easy to keep clean. Firstly sweep or vacuum your tiled floors and then proceed with the following natural cleaning solution.


Fill your mop bucket with warm water and add quarter cup of white vinegar. Use a clean mop (our favourite is a microfiber mop), wring out as much water for a streak free finish. You can also add your favourite essential oil to the mixture if you want to leave your home smelling fresh and nice. If you have heavily soiled floors or dried stains you can add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the mixture for more effective cleaning. Remember to change your water frequently while mopping for the best finish. Open doors and windows to ventilate the air and allow for faster drying.

Note: avoid using sponge mops as these tend to retain more water and the water gets pushed into the grout lines.

Carpets & Rugs

Carpets are cosy and comfy and normally used in bedrooms and living rooms. Rugs are also a great way to add warmth to floorboards or tiled areas, however carpets and rugs are renowned for collecting dust, crumbs and dirt particles.

As part of your regular clean vacuum the carpet or rug and if you want to give it a spruce up or have some stains to clear then try this natural solution.


Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Spray on stain and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes before scrubbing clean with a soft brush. If you have a stubborn stain try adding 1 or 2 drops of dishwashing liquid to the mixture and scrub gently with a soft brush. Wipe clean with a clean cloth and allow to dry completely by opening windows to ventilate the room.

Note: try the solution on a small patch of carpet to ensure it does not discolour prior to using.

As passionate advocates of natural cleaning we love to share our insights on natural cleaning and protecting you, your family, pets and the environment. Not convinced? If you would like to know more about why you should choose green cleaning you may be interested in reading our article, 7 Reasons To Choose Green Cleaning. We hope our tips on natural floor cleaning solutions help quickly and easily keep your floors clean.

Bliss Home Care also offers a range of natural cleaning products for other areas of your home, including a multi-purpose bio-bacterial cleaner, shower cleaner and stain and odour remover. Click here to learn more about our natural cleaning products.

Bliss Home Care | Natural Cleaning Products

Bliss Home Care Services is very excited to announce the launch of a range of natural cleaning products that are now available for purchase for our clients, friends and those who care about keeping their home clean with only natural cleaning products.

These natural cleaning products are ones that we and the Bliss team have been using for years when cleaning our and our client’s homes. We made a conscious decision when we started our business over 15 years ago that we would only use Australian made natural cleaning products. We conducted a lot of research and sourced this range that has been certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA). GECA is an independent body who assess the products to ensure they meet environmental, human health, ethical impact criteria.

There has been lots of research that proves toxic chemicals are harmful to our health and the wider environment. There is absolutely no reason to still be using any toxic cleaning products that are harmful to your and your family’s health. In our blog, 7 Reasons To Choose Green Cleaning, we discuss how you can switch to natural cleaning products in your home. It will not only save time and money but you will dramatically improve the lifestyle for yourself, your home, family, pets and the planet.



10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Our Natural Cleaning Products

  1. Do not contain hazardous, dangerous, toxic or polluting ingredients
  2. Free of all known or suspected carcinogens
  3. Do not contain phosphate, ammonia, butyl cellusolve, aerosols or acid
  4. Products are biodegradable
  5. World class certification by GECA
  6. Are cruelty free and not tested on animals
  7. 100% Australian owned and made
  8. Produced in compliance with current Good Manufacturing
  9. Are septic tank, grey water and black water safe
  10. Company with all Australian standards.

The range of natural cleaning products currently available include:


Bliss Home Care | Natural Cleaning Product

Bio CleanerTM
The greatest multipurpose and ready to use cleaner you will ever need! A multipurpose agent formulated with beneficial bacteria that digest grease, grime, dirt, and soap scum, making cleaning quicker, easier and more effective. The citrus fragrance and odour neutraliser helps keeping everything fresh and free of unpleasant smells, and also repels flies and insects. 

Bliss Home Care | Natural Cleaning Product

Shower BlitzTM
No more tough scrubbing and cleaning! You can use it all over the shower, tiles, sink, and toilet. It contains cultured bacteria that eats away and decomposes hard to remove soap scum and prevents the growth of mould. The bacteria bio-degrades matter rather than mask or bleach the problem.

Bliss Home Care | Natural Cleaning Product

Wee OffTM Stain & Odour Remover
A natural and revolutionary way of removing the cause of stains and odours from any hard and soft surfaces. Wee Off™ contains billions of specifically selected friendly bacteria that target and digest organic matter such as urine, vomit, faeces, blood, bodily fluids, wine, coffee, food, milk and sauce, eliminating the source of the problem rather than masking it.

Bliss Home Care | Natural cleaning product kit

The Household Cleaning Kit
An eco-friendly alternative to conventional and traditional household cleaning products. This kit contains all the essentials and must have environmentally cleaning products needed to keep your house clean, fresh and green. The kit includes:
1 x Wee Off™ 750ml
1 x Biological Cleaner Concentrate 1L
1 x 500ml Dilution Bottle
1 x Bio Wipes



Let’s take a closer look at why the technology behind these products is so effective and why the products work so effectively…

Bio Bacterial & Enzyme Technology  

These biological cleaning products are made up of “good” living bacteria to break down and liquefy soils such as fat, proteins, carbohydrates and grease while simultaneously eliminating odours. When this type of bacteria cleaning product is applied, the microorganisms begin to digest the waste and the “good” bacteria in turn multiply. The soil is broken down and continues to break down the soil into smaller pieces, until there is nothing left.

Bacteria use the enzymes they produce to break down complex waste into simple compounds, which it then consumes, thereby completely eliminating grime, waste and odours.

The bio bacterial cleaner makes cleaning quicker and easier. The product keeps on working even after you have finished cleaning.

As always, nature provides the answers. For good health and a naturally clean home, look no further. To purchase or learn more about these products click here.

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